Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Science behind brain training...

How Cognitive Training Works

"Neuroplasticity" refers to the physical changes that are continually taking place in your brain as you experience and adapt to the world around you. During every
3D Rendering of a Neuron
day of your life, neurons and the connections between them change to encode information. By influencing this plasticity with the right activities, it is possible to train your brain to function better. Learning new things and challenging yourself frequently may promote more constructive neuroplasticity, and help prevent or off-set the negative effects of brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease, or aging.

The exercises in the Lumosity brain training program are designed to stimulate the neuroplasticity that leads to improved cognitive ability and a healthier brain.

Improving Cognitive Ability

Fundamental cognitive abilities – such as memory, attention and processing speed – can be improved with appropriate training.

The Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) study, funded by NIH, demonstrated that older adults could improve their cognitive abilities with proper training, and that some of these gains were maintained several years later. In this experiment conducted by a number of researchers across the US, over 2800 adults aged 65-94 received training in memory, reasoning, or processing speed. After about 10 hours of training, each group improved significantly in the area that they trained. Even 5 years later subjects maintained many of their improvements.

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